Thank you for your support and patience as we navigate this uncertain and challenging time together due to COVID-19. The safety of our patients and speech therapists are our top priority while we provide your children with the services they need. We will continue teletherapy services while also transitioning to our office space at 4422 Pack Saddle Pass.
Please review this content fully and carefully so that you are properly informed about our policies and procedures related to attending therapy in person and the requirements for infection control and sanitization.
**All of our infection control policies and procedures are informed and designated by information from professional healthcare organizations, required federal and state policies/procedures for facilities reopening, and CDC specified guidelines. We will continue to stay informed and adjust our safety measures as needed**
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
All persons arriving at 4422 Pack Saddle Pass, suite 103 for an appointment with Tandem Speech Therapy PLLC will wear a mask while in the building and waiting room, regardless of vaccine status.
Persons who are not the client (i.e., parent, caregiver, nanny, etc.) that accompany the client into the treatment room will wear a mask, regardless of vaccine status.
- If a child does not tolerate a mask they may take it off once back in the private therapy room, with parent/caregiver permission.
However, it is strongly recommended that children wear a mask with a clear panel or a face shield while receiving speech therapy services from Tandem Speech Therapy PLLC. This applies to all children over the age of 3 that can tolerate mask or face shield wearing for 30-60 minutes.
- Recommended products (no affiliations):
- BendShape Mask: https://bendshapemask.com/
- ClearMask: https://www.theclearmask.com/
- Shield Pals: https://www.shieldpals.com/
- WETClear: https://shop.wetdesign.com/
- Recommended products (no affiliations):
Our speech-language pathologist, Emily, will be wearing a face mask and/or face shield for ALL speech therapy visits.
COVID-19 Treatment Session Procedures
Upon arrival:
The therapist will take the client’s temperature at each session and verify via the daily COVID-19 Health Screen that the client has been healthy and symptom-free. If the client presents with symptoms or their temperature is above 100.4 degrees, the family will be charged the late cancel/no show fee (as stated within the policies and procedures), and then they will be sent home.
The daily COVID-19 Health Screen reads: Within the past 14 days have you or any members in your household experienced any of the following symptoms: coughing, shortness of breath, fever, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, loss of taste, fatigue, aches and pain, headache OR a positive COVID-19 test?
- After the temperature check, the child and the therapist will use hand sanitizer before entering the private therapy room.
During the Session:
- The therapist and client will keep their masks and/or face shields on throughout the treatment session.
- Only materials and resources that are either disposable or easily sanitized will be used.
- Parents/caregivers may wait in their car during their child’s speech therapy session. If they choose to wait in the car, then they should return to suite 103 by 40 minutes after the hour. Since each child’s session will start on the hour, if your child’s visit is at 10:00am then you should return to the waiting room no later than 10:40am.
- If parents/caregivers choose to remain in suite 103, then they may stay in the waiting room or join their child in the treatment room with their masks on–no exceptions.
- Please do not bring other children or family members and friends to your child’s therapy visit.
Sanitation and Safety Practices
- Just as temperature checks are required for patients, our therapists will conduct daily self-checks of their temperature.
- Regular hand washing and hand sanitizing practices are in place per CDC guidelines and recommendations.
- Surfaces and used toys/materials within the treatment room will be cleaned and disinfected after each therapy session and consumables will be disposed of.
View & download our COVID-19 policy. All clients attending speech therapy must sign and keep this on file with Tandem Speech.
Start Playing With Purpose
Learn how to purposefully and intentionally interact with your child during play and help them increase opportunities for speech and language development with our Playing with Purpose book!