The Path to First Words

The first year of your baby’s life is a flurry of excitement and many firsts, often culminating with their first word and first steps around the first birthday. In this first year of life, your baby will develop many milestones that will be the building blocks...

Playing With Purpose: Stacking Cups

My passion lies in helping families during the early intervention years. Early childhood (i.e., birth to 3-years-old) is an incredible time for brain development. In fact, learning and development are most rapid during a child’s first years. And these early years set...

Playing With Purpose in the Snow

I grew up in Michigan, so I know what a snowy winter is like. However, the absence of snow in December in Austin is unremarkable. We are used to it, but that does not mean we are not thinking about snow. Whether the ground outside is blanketed by the freshly fallen...

All About Equine Therapy

This week I am excited to welcome Kate G. Naylor, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, as well as a Certified Clinician and Equine Professional in Trauma-Focused Equine, Assisted Psychotherapy, as a guest blogger for Tandem Speech Therapy. Kate conducts...

Thankful (A Book Preview)

It’s been quite a while since my last blog post, but with good reason. If you have not already heard, I published a book! Like my popular blog series, the book is called Playing With Purpose. This book is the perfect resource for fellow SLPs, parents/caregivers,...

Hello, I'm Emily!

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