PWP Using a Ball

You can use anything around you to stimulate and boost a child’s speech and language skills. Sometimes the simplest, like a ball, is the most beloved. That is the basis for Playing With Purpose. I help you look at what you have and explore how you can adapt it...

Pointing Things Out

Did you know that pointing at objects or people marks a huge milestone in a child’s development? It’s much more than one of those cute things they do. Babies begin to point between 7 to 15 months of age. First, a baby will point using their whole hand....

Review: My Little House

I am continually amazed at the work of my speech-language pathologist colleagues. They work tirelessly to ensure a quality of life for multitudes of people with communication challenges and differences. My role and work as a pediatric SLP has taught me the importance...

Learning Language Through Play

Maria Montessori once said, “Play is the work of the child.” From a young age, play is your child’s occupation. It is how children interact in and with their environment, discover their interests, and acquire and grow cognitive, motor, and...

Playing With Purpose: Winter Break

We are quickly approaching the time of year that children love. Along with the holidays comes winter break. While a great time for family bonding, winter break can be a challenge for parents to find indoor activities for the whole family and sneak in some learning....

Hello, I'm Emily!

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