Review: ABC’s of Active Learning

As a pediatric speech therapist, I wear many hats. One hat I sometimes wear is that of a literacy interventionist. Literacy refers to any reading or writing skills.  Children with speech and language delays often have difficulty with literacy skills as well.  Children...

Playing With Purpose: Blocks

Blocks come in all shapes and size. There are cardboard blocks, wooden blocks, and colored blocks. You can make blocks from old Tupperware or turn an Amazon box into a block shape sorter. There are brands such as Lincoln Logs, Legos, and Topamino. Just like there are...

Playing With Purpose: Playdough

This week marks my 24th blog post and the 10th in my Playing With Purpose series. While I am proud of myself for undertaking this blog writing, I want to commend you (parents, caregivers, therapists, and readers) for your efforts to increase language opportunities for...

Review: Bloom Box

Starting my pediatric speech therapy practice has been both exciting and challenging. I have been fortunate to have a lot of support from my network as well as a fantastic Facebook group for other independent clinicians. That’s where I first learned about Bloom...

Playing With Purpose: Cars

There is no denying it, children love to play with cars. Many days, I walk into a family’s home for therapy, and I see cars strewn about their play area. Cars are versatile and an excellent vehicle (ha ha ha) for speech and language development. You likely spend...

Hello, I'm Emily!

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