Playing With Purpose: Ball Popper

Five years ago, while working at a clinic here in Austin, I learned about ball poppers. A fantastic occupational therapist owns the clinic, and she purchased the cow ball popper to work on fine motor skills. I quickly learned that this was not an OT-only toy. I found...

Playing With Purpose: Outdoor Play

I am going to make a bold statement. Play is ESSENTIAL to the growth and development of your child. From a young age, play is your child’s occupation. Play promotes creativity and problem-solving, develops resilience and grit, and builds social and cognitive...

Review: BabySparks app

In June I learned about an organization in Austin called Partners in Parenting (PiP). They organize and facilitate neighborhood-based peer support programs for new parents. Parents of infants gather weekly in each others’ homes for support, resources,...

The Importance of Vocabulary

The power of words is difficult to quantify and qualify. They have changed and will continue to alter the course of history. We see that on an almost daily basis in the media alone. I think one of the greatest tools we can provide to children is a large, rich...

Playing With Purpose: Bubble Blowing

The blistering heat of summer is upon us in Austin, TX, leaving some of us stuck inside, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find some creative ways to have fun! Bubble blowing is a fun indoor or outdoor activity, and children of all ages love blowing bubbles. Bubbles are...

Hello, I'm Emily!

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