Early Childhood Intervention

There are two components to the work I do as a pediatric speech-language pathologist. First, I work with children who have speech that is difficult to understand. These kids need support with the production of individual speech sounds. We work on connecting and...

Get Started Playing With Purpose

In January, I wrote a guest post for my colleague Jill of Honest OT in Denver, CO. I shared some quick tips to get you started Playing With Purpose. Today, I am sharing those tips plus a bonus Hanen strategy so you can engage in more purposeful play with your...

Why Use Music to Support Early Communication

This week I am excited to welcome Ayelet Marinovich, MA, CCC-SLP as a guest blogger for Tandem Speech Therapy. She is the owner and creator of Learn With Less and lives in the San Francisco Bay area. Ayelet specializes in promoting caregiver/baby interaction and...

Playing With Purpose: Farm Set

Moo. Baa. Oink. Quack. Imagine a well-loved farm set on the floor in front of your child. If you do not already have a farm set in your home or therapy toolkit, then I highly recommend getting one. My number one tip when adding a farm to your toy repertoire is to find...

Questions to SPARK a Conversation

You pick up your child from school and ask, “How was your day?” Your child replies, “I don’t know,” or “I don’t remember,” or even “fine.” You are not alone. I hear this from parents regularly, and even...

Hello, I'm Emily!

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