5 Ways to Promote Fine Motor Skills

Occupational therapists (OTs) work on fine motor skills as part of their job. This week I am excited to welcome Jill Loftus, MS, OTR/L as a guest blogger for Tandem Speech Therapy. She is the owner of Honest Occupational Therapy in Denver, CO. Fine motor skills are...

Learning Language Through Play

Maria Montessori once said, “Play is the work of the child.” From a young age, play is your child’s occupation. It is how children interact in and with their environment, discover their interests, and acquire and grow cognitive, motor, and...

PWP: Family Meal Time

You may be a bit confused looking at the title of this post. I can imagine you’re thinking, “I do not want my children playing while we are engaged in family meal time.” At a young age, it is vital for our young ones to have time to play with their...

Playing With Purpose: Winter Break

We are quickly approaching the time of year that children love. Along with the holidays comes winter break. While a great time for family bonding, winter break can be a challenge for parents to find indoor activities for the whole family and sneak in some learning....

Playing With Purpose: Blocks

Blocks come in all shapes and size. There are cardboard blocks, wooden blocks, and colored blocks. You can make blocks from old Tupperware or turn an Amazon box into a block shape sorter. There are brands such as Lincoln Logs, Legos, and Topamino. Just like there are...

Hello, I'm Emily!

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