Playing With Purpose: Everyday Items

When I started this series, Playing With Purpose, my goal was to help parents, caregivers, educators, fellow SLPs, etc. make simple tweaks to their play interactions with children to expand speech and language skills. I have written about some of my favorite toys like...

Celebration of the First Year

  As I reflect on this first year of Tandem Speech Therapy, I still remember very clearly one of the first kids I worked with at my first speech therapy job post-grad school. Ana* made significant progress rather quickly, moving from a near-incomprehensible...

Playing With Purpose: Water Play

Spring has sprung here in Austin, TX which means many opportunities to play and explore outside with my clients. A favorite activity of ours is water play. I love water play for its simplicity, the ease of getting started, and the fact that it’s very engaging...

Early Childhood Intervention

There are two components to the work I do as a pediatric speech-language pathologist. First, I work with children who have speech that is difficult to understand. These kids need support with the production of individual speech sounds. We work on connecting and...

Get Started Playing With Purpose

In January, I wrote a guest post for my colleague Jill of Honest OT in Denver, CO. I shared some quick tips to get you started Playing With Purpose. Today, I am sharing those tips plus a bonus Hanen strategy so you can engage in more purposeful play with your...

Hello, I'm Emily!

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